Veteran Bollywood star Pankaj Kapoor’s directorial debut movie Mausam starring his son Shahid and actress Sonam Kapoor had very good opening on this Friday and this earned approximately Rupees 9 crore on very first day of release.
Pankaj Kapoor’s directorial debut movie Mausam has made at low budget of Rupees. 35 Crore, movie released almost in 1,900 screens and is also going strong with 100 percent occupancy.
The movie real aim is to bring the true romance back.
Mausam is a love story based movie which shows how a love couple is forced to estrange by the socio-political situations around .
This captures the trough and crest they go through the span of 10 years until they reunite and make the happy ending.
Bollywood Lover Boy Shahid Kapoor plays the role of air force pilot and Sonam as a Kashmiri girl.
Mausam was supposed to release on 16th September but it was postponed due to delay in getting a (NOC) from Indian Air Force which had objections over the few scenes in movie.
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